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Evans Medical PLC (EVM)


Evans Medical PLC
6 Abimbola Way,
Isolo Industrial Estate,
Sector: Healthcare
Full time Employees 254
Business Summary
Evans Medical Plc is incorporated in Nigeria under the Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990 as a public limited liability company and is domiciled in Nigeria. The company's shares are listed at the Nigerian Stock Exchange. The principal activities of the company are the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of a wide range of pharmaceutical products

Key Executives
Name Designation
Saifudeen A. Edu Chairman
Olubumni Olaopa CEO
Michael A. Ajufo ED
Adewale B. Oyenuga ED
Adeoye A. Oyewo ED
Titilope Adeyemi ED
Olusola Ogunwale ED
Ahmad Damcida Director
Victor O. Eburajolo Director
Tenilola Aluko Director
Lawrence Anga Director